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intelligence and
fundamental rights.


This is me

I'm a Departmental Research Lecturer in AI, Government & Policy at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII). I investigate how datafication is transforming social, ecological, and political worlds. Building on my experience as a mathematician and computer scientist, my interest lies in investigating how AI is transforming local communities, borders and territories from a transdisciplinary perspective. My interests lies in analysing the political and environmental impact of AI beyond the code: from mineral extractivism, to data centres and labour exploitation and electronic waste dumps.


As a postdoctoral researcher at King’s College London (UK), I explored how datafication technologies are transforming borders and migration governance. I developed digital methodologies to discover which algorithmic systems, such as biometric systems, are used in the field of border security. My transdisciplinary work stems from the ability to collaborate with scholars from a range of different disciplines, including political science, philosophy and law. In 2022, I received the Post-Doctoral Enrichment Award by The Alan Turing Institute.


In the past, I conducted research in transdiciplinary teams to design technological solutions in the private sector. I am a former fellow of the Data Science for Social Good program at University of Chicago. Nowadays, I collaborate with the Jevon’s Paradox blog, where we examine the relationship between science and technology, knowledge and power. I am a research advisor on AlgoRace, a project that raises awareness about the algorithmic risks, harms and limitations on racialised subjects. I am also part of the Algorights, a civil society initiative, including volunteers and community-based organizations, that analyses AI's impacts on society from an ethical perspective.

Machine Learning  Digital methods 
Natural Language Processing

 Fairness and Accountability   AI Ethics

Social Justice    Power and Resistance 


   Recent publications








   Recent events



Omnes et singulatim: Collective and individual subjectivities in algorithmic governmentality

This workshop aims to inaugurate a (trans)disciplinary debate about how to critically rethink subjectivities in AI.


Speakers: Antoinette Rouvroy, Claudia Aradau, Bernard Harcourt, Seda Gürses, Colin Koopman, Lorena Jaume-Palasí.


Organised by: Daniele Lorenzini (Warwick University), Martina Tazzioli (Goldsmiths), Ana Valdivia (King's College).







(De)coding AI: 

Examining the impact of the lifecycle of algorithms

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide political and environmental impact. In the last years academics, journalists and civil organisations have centred their efforts in analysing algorithmic discriminatory codes and bias; yet little is known about the impact of the whole lifecycle of AI: from mineral extractivism, to data infrastructures and electronic waste dumps.



Colonial Legacies, Biometric Futures: from Galton to the Entry-Exit System

I was invited to the seminar organised in the frame of the MA in International Relations (Goldsmiths, University of London) to present my work on the theoretical foundations of biometrics and how it has evolved through the development of computational methods such as deep learning.


© 2024

ana.valdivia at

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